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Kaufmann and mold and diet - kaufmann and mold and diet

20-12-2016 à 05:08:05
Kaufmann and mold and diet
I suspect this experience is probably not unique to the Billings family, as the treatment of mold-induced illnesses is an area for which most physicians are simply ill equipped. Together you can devise an appropriate treatment plan, based on your own unique physiology and situation. You learned in the first article that research suggests more than 90 percent of sinus infections are fungal in origin. Yet more than 90 percent of physicians continue to believe that the vast majority of sinus infections are bacterial—so they prescribe antibiotics that target bacteria, not fungi. The fact that steroids suppress your immune system is no secret. Precision Matters When It Comes to Protein December 19, 2016 More Proof That Nuts Are Part of a Healthy Diet December 19, 2016 Sunlight May Reduce Risk of Nearsightedness December 19, 2016. Mercola and Gary Taubes on The Case Against Sugar December 11, 2016. Physicians usually prescribe cortisone and steroid inhalers if you or your child has asthma. Illnesses caused by mold exposure are a growing problem that few people are aware of, including most primary care physicians, and can develop into serious chronic illness and a syndrome called Mixed Mold Toxicosis. Along with killing the bad bacteria, they kill off your good bacteria and yeast that would naturally keep the pathological fungi at bay. Recovering from a mold-induced illness requires an integrative approach under the guidance of at least one knowledgeable healthcare practitioner. Yet, it is commonly prescribed for toenail fungus because it concentrates in nail tissue. Accurate Information Can Shorten Your Road to Recovery. If You Can Never Seem to Get Truly Well, This Could Be Why. Neurological symptoms are commonly seen with mold toxicity. It took years to find the help they needed. Illnesses caused by mold exposure are a growing problem that few people are aware of, including most primary care physicians. Physicians All Too Quick with the Prescription Pen. In the second article, I outlined the range of health problems that can be directly caused by mold exposure and recommendations about how to find a knowledgeable physician. Cowan on His Book, Human Heart, Cosmic Heart December 18, 2016 Dr. Rapp is concerned this may be having dire implications for asthmatic children. S. Add to that a steroid nasal inhaler that suppresses your immune response, and you have a recipe for rampant fungal infection that can spread to the rest of your body and possibly progress into Mixed Mold Toxicosis, making you VERY ill. This phenomenon, combined with the fact that mold exposure is often associated with psychologically traumatic environmental disasters, such as hurricanes and floods, makes for a complex clinical picture that can superficially appear to the uneducated clinician as depression, anxiety, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The most important aspect of recovering from mold toxicity is starving the fungi out of your body with an antifungal diet, and avoiding foods likely to be mold-contaminated. For example, the drug Lamisil (terbinafine), used to treat toenail fungus, is so toxic that its manufacturer Novartis warns you in their product insert 1 that Lamisil has resulted in liver failure, the need for liver transplants, and death. Mercola and Larry Olmsted on the Quality of Olive Oil December 17, 2016 Dr. In the first article, I gave you an overview of the types of mold and the numerous mycotoxins molds can produce, as well as a few tips about how to go about mold remediation if you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having a mold-infested home. As an example, consider four of the common drug approaches to treating fungal infections (of which mold is just one type): Nasal corticosteroids, antibiotics, antidepressants, and antifungal medications. Without these good bacteria, fungi like mold are allowed to spread, unchecked. Lamisil can also cause loss of taste or smell, depression, suppressed blood cell counts, skin reactions and development of lupus erythematosus (an autoimmune disease). They later discovered their illness was due to mold infestation in their home. Environmental health experts are seeing increasing numbers of individuals with a complex myriad of symptoms directly related to mold exposure.

The steroid may temporarily decrease inflammation, which may make you feel a bit better for a short period of time. One excellent resource is the book Mold: The War Within by Kurt and Lee Ann Billings. Home Getting Started About Doug Kaufmann Antifungals Which Book Is For Me. Study: Consider Racket Sports and Swimming to Help You Live Longer. As a group, antifungal drugs are quite toxic, especially to your liver. No one set of interventions will work for everyone. Dr. In this third article, my focus will be on how you can regain your health after being poisoned by mold, what your best options are for treatment, as well as what to avoid. Because people often experience short-lived relief from symptoms, they sometimes believe this treatment is working—at least, initially. Nasal steroid inhalers have become very commonly prescribed for chronic sinusitis. Asthma, like sinusitis, often has a fungal origin that is missed in children and adults, so is often inappropriately treated by medical practitioners. Forget Antibiotics, Steroids, and Medications - Starve Mold Out of Your Body. Your best approach is to find a well-informed physician who has expertise in environmental medicine. And since that time, the mortality from asthma has TRIPLED in the U. Cancer Connection Health Blog The Science of Fungus Know This Magazine Archived May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 Aug 2013 Sept 2013 Oct 2013 Nov 2013 Dec 2013 Jan 2014 Feb 2014 Mar 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 Recipes Sponsors Store. What started as tightness and burning in their chests and itchy eyes soon progressed into severely diminished lung capacity, thyroid malfunction, and numerous other symptoms that did not resolve, despite moving out of their home. If your immune response is compromised, then the infection is actually encouraged, which perpetuates the underlying problem. Antibiotics (the kind that target bacteria) will not kill mold in sinus cavities. When they did eventually find physicians who agreed their problems were related to mold poisoning, they offered little help other than prescribing dangerous antifungals and other drugs that contributed nothing to their recovery. Treatment depends on many factors—the type of mold you were exposed to, length of exposure, your overall health, medications, allergies, genetics, and a host of other factors. So, if more than 90 percent of upper respiratory infections are fungal, and physicians are throwing antibiotics at them, this points to an enormous number of infections that are being grossly mistreated. Fungal toxins can affect your brain, and if so, alter your emotional state. After extensive research and eventually recovering their health, they wrote the book Mold: The War Within in hopes of educating a poorly informed and disadvantaged public about Mixed Mold Toxicosis. Antidepressants can do more damage than good and come with a slew of potentially serious side effects, to say nothing of failing to address the underlying cause. Unfortunately, there is no precise formula for rebuilding perfect health if you have been damaged by mold or its toxins. Most primary care practitioners are not trained to treat mold poisoning, and their approach is limited to prescribing steroids and dangerous antifungal medications, many of which are liver-toxic. A New Way of Looking at Heart Disease and Novel Treatment Options. Board certified environmental medical specialist and pediatric allergist Doris Rapp states that cortisone (a steroid drug) tends to allow infections that normally would be confined to a certain area of your body to spread to other parts of your body. Living in a home in the outer impact zone of Hurricane Katrina, the Billings family suffered a progressive array of symptoms for which their physicians had no solution. This has resulted in the proposal of a new term to describe this multi-faceted syndrome: Mixed Mold Toxicosis. Probiotics, select herbs, air purification, and other natural therapies have been found to accelerate recovery. Because mold-related disorders are so often unrecognized and misdiagnosed, I have been posting a series of articles about mold and its potential dangers, as well as approaches to treatment. Feed Your Gut Microbes Well, Lest They Feed on You. Just read the package insert or patient information sheet for any steroid medication—it will warn you that exposure to pathogens like chicken pox or measles while using the drug could result in serious complications, even death, due to immunosuppression.

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